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How it all began

Judy Deveson, Chair of Stony Stratford in Bloom


When, many years ago, I was a member of the Town Council, I looked around the town and felt it needed an uplift - more flowers in planters on the pavements and more perennial beds to brighten the streets and the neighbourhoods.


The Town Clerk invited a Britain in Bloom Regional judge to give a talk about Britain in Bloom Competition, in which he explained that Britain in Bloom wasn't just about hanging baskets - it was about community and sustainability - and I knew these were what I believed in too. I phoned people I knew who knew about horticulture and I asked others to suggest people who might be interested - and Stony in Bloom began. And it has grown and grown! Little did I know that Stony in Bloom was going to take over my life! Why it’s important to me is because it makes me feel that I, with the other volunteers, can make a difference – and that’s a wonderful feeling to have.



We first entered Britain in Bloom Competition in the Thames and Chilterns Region in 2008, and gained a Silver Gilt Award (which is the level just below Gold) in that very first year of entry! In the following year we gained Silver Gilt as well, but in the following year, to our surprise and delight, we gained Gold; and in 10 years up till 2019, we gained Gold 8 times, and in the 14 years to 2023 we've gained 10 gold Awards in the Regional Britain in Bloom Competitions.


Covid: National Finals

In 2019 we were proud to be nominated to represent the Thames and Chilterns Region in the National Finals in 2020. However, then Covid arrived, and changed everything for everyone; and it meant that Britain in Bloom itself had to be cancelled.

In 2021 we were nominated to represent the Region in the National Finals again, but it was a slightly different kind of competition and it was digitally judged - as was the Regional Competition. We were proud to be joint national winners of the RHS 'Nourishing Your Community Award' - exemplified by the York House Community Gardens Veg for the Foodbank project.

Becoming autonomous from the Town Council

In 2013 Stony in Bloom became autonomous from the Town Council, forming a constituted voluntary organisation. The agreement was that SSIB would fundraise to maintain the perennial beds we'd created around the town, and the Town Council would pay for the contents of the planters and the watering contract.  SSiB volunteers advise on the plants for the planters and organise the planting.


Reaching into all parts of the Parish

It was important to Stony in Bloom that we reached into all parts of the parish - so we've created beds not just in the centre of the town and the outskirts, but also in Galley Hill and Fullers Slade. In 2018, our 10th Anniversary Year, we created a flower bed in Fullers Slade to celebrate, and transformed the Library Bed in the centre of the town. We have 41 flower beds of different sizes to maintain, as well as the Bluebell Wood at the top of London Rd, and the heritage orchard at the North end triangle.We have two work parties a  week to maintain these beds.

Encouraging Young People to Garden and to Take Pride in Their Environment

It is also important to us to encourage young people to garden and take pride in their environment, so over the years have organised gardening sessions in the schools and have arranged sessions with the Brownies, Hobbyhorse Nursery and  Yo Yos Playgroup. We've also organised hanging basket workshops for children for the Big Lunch events in the town and in Fullers Slade, which have been immensely popular.


In 2018 SMSG North Site gained Level 5, the Highest Level, in the campaign for school gardening.


Community Spirit

What has made SSIB so successful over the years has been the team spirit of the volunteers - who combine a variety of skills to make up the whole team - and the community spirit in the town.

And reflective of that community spirit is the fact that there are now five "It's Your Neighbourhood Groups" (IYN) in the town.

  • The North End Pond and Wildlife Area IYN, created by Mary Robinson and Robin Nichols

  • The York House Community Gardens IYN

  • The Horsefair Green Residents Association IYN

  • The Fullers Slade IYN

  • Galley Hill IYN 

SSIB volunteers have found that Stony Stratford Residents are always generous in their praise of our efforts and their appreciation of what we do. And all of us in SSIB gain satisfaction from knowing that by our community gardening we are able to make a difference.

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