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Britain in Bloom

Keep on scrolling down ... we keep on working and keep on winning!


Regional Gold Award

In Your Neighbourhood Awards:

  • York House Community Gardens Veg IYN Level 5 Outstanding

  • North End Pond and Wildlife Area IYN Level 5 Outstanding

  • Fullers Slade IYN Level 4 Thriving

  • Galley Hill IYN Level 4 Thriving


Regional Gold Award

Regional Small Town Trophy Gold


It couldn't be the regular kind of National Finals - but a virtual one. Though we were invited to represent the Region in the National Finals in 2022 when they could go back to the pre-Covid system of National Judges coming to the town in August, we decided it would be better to decline that honour as we preferred to be able to concentrate on family commitments after the Regional judging in early July.

​In 2021, it wasn't only the Regional Judges (Thames and Chilterns Region) that we sent virtual material to instead of having them come in person:Thames and Chilterns Region asked Stony Stratford in Bloom to represent the Region in the National Finals by sending virtual evidence 


National Finals here again - Joint National Winner of the 'Nourishing your Community' Award'


In 2020 there was a more limited system for recognizing what some In Bloom groups were able to do despite Covid restrictions, and we sent evidence and received certificates virtually. ​



We were invited to represent the Thames and Chilterns in the RHS National Finals in 2020 - but of course, that couldn't happen because of Covid. 

​2018 (our 10th anniversary year)



Small Town Trophy - Gold


Regional Small Town Trophy - Gold


We were awarded a Silver Gilt, and the Regional Award for Community Involvement


We won the Small Town Trophy with Silver Gilt and also the Growing for Gold Regional Trophy.
St Mary and St Giles School was runner up in the Ma
rk Mattock Schools Challenge Cup.


We won the Small Town Trophy and with Gold, and gained the Regional Award for Best Community Involvement.


We won the Small Town Trophy with Gold.


We won the Small Town Trophy and with Gold. We gained a Silver Award in the National Finals. St Mary and St Giles School won the Mark Mattock School Challenge Cup; Queen Eleanor School gained a Special Prize for Environmental Innovation.


We entered as a Small Town, and won the Small Town Trophy and with Gold.  We were also nominated to represent the T and C Region in the National Finals the following year. The Ancell Trust Sports Ground gained a Special Private Parks Award.


We also entered as an Urban Community, gained a Silver Gilt, and won the Regional Urban Community Award. We also gained the Regional Award for Community Involvement


We entered as an Urban Community and we gained a Silver Gilt Award.


It's Your Neighbourhood

Keep on scrolling down ... we have won a lot!


St Mary and St Giles School was awarded Highly Commended again.


St Mary and St Giles School North site gained a Highly Commended Certificate.

York House Community Gardens IYN  group (It's Your Neighbourhood) gained an Outstanding Certificate, the highest level, Level 5 as did Mary Robinson's North End Pond Project.  Bianca's Fullers Slade IYN was awarded Level 4, Flourishing; and Anu's recently started Galley Hill IYN group was awarded Level 2,  We also gained a special award for Caring for the Environment.

Once again York House Community Gardens IYN gained an Outstanding, as did the North End Pond and Wildlife Area; Fullers Slade IYN group gained Level 4, Flourishing again, and the Galley Hill IYN leapt from Level 2 to Level 4, Flourishing.


Our work was recognised by National Awards where we were asked to represent the Thames and Chiltern Region. Stony Stratford were joint winners nationally of the 'Nourishing the Community Award'  - based on our vegetables from the Foodbank Project at York House Community Gardens and work at St Mary and St Giles. For this we received an attractive Welsh slate trophy, which is now proudly housed in the cabinet in the Library. We received awards for:

1) Giving All Children a Chance to Grow

2) Conservation and Wildlife

3) Responding to Covid 19: York House Veg-Growing Project


The newly established Fullers Slade It’s Your Neighbourhood Group reached Level 4 assessment, (2nd Highest).

Russell St Primary School.Highly Commended certificate in the Mark Mattock Schools competition

​2018 (our 10th anniversary year)

North End Pond Project - Outstanding and RHS Certificate of Distinction.

York House Community Gardens) – Outstanding

St Mary and St Giles School - Commended Certificate


York House Community Gardens - Outstanding

North end Pond Project - Outstanding


York House Community Gardens one mark off Level 5 ‘Outstanding’ and the North end Pond Project 3 marks off ‘Outstanding’. 

St Mary and St Giles School was awarded a Highly Commended Certificate


The North Pond project and York House Community Gardens both achieved a
Level 4.

St Mary & St Giles School were Highly Commended.


Just one mark off achieving a Level 4


Mary Robinson and Robin Nicholls's Stony Stratford North End Pond Project was assessed at Level 3, (of 5), their first year of applying.`

A small selection of our many


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