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Our 2024 Portfolio

Have look at our 2024 portfolio.

It shows only a small part of the work all our volunteers do!

Click here, or click on the picture

Grant help for York House Community Garden Project!


We're delighted that the MK Community Foundation has supported our work at York House (grant award March 2024). That's where we develop the community garden and provide a tonne of fresh food each year for Food Bank users.

With the Foundation's support, we can increase the amount of food we grow. We can plant more fruit trees and learn how to care for them even better. We can increase our environmental work by saving water and creating more of our own compost. It's already called an "outstanding" project by the RHS "It's Your Neighborhood" judges, and with the Foundation's help we aim to make it even better.

Click here for more details about our Community Garden Project at York House..

This work has been supported by funding from MK Community Foundation.

We keep on growing!

And so is our website! We try to keep this website uptodate but like flowers and plants we look after, things keep on growing. Please look at our Facebook page for what's going on now! 

  • Facebook

Gained our 10th Britain in Bloom Regional Gold Award 2023!

Best Kept town in Buckinghamshire 2022-2023!


Welcome to Stony Stratford in Bloom! We’re a group of volunteers passionate about making Stony Stratford, Galley Hill and Fullers Slade as beautiful as can be. We aim to bring the community together and foster a sense of pride in our town and our community.. 

Since 2008 we’ve created over forty flower beds and gardens in all parts of the parish, and maintain them through twice-weekly work parties.


  • We help to support innovative 'It's Your Neighbourhood Groups'.

  • We cultivate fruit and vegetables in the Community Garden at York House, giving all our produce to Food Banks to help those in great need. We work with school groups to help our gardeners of the future.

  • We work in partnership with the Stony Stratford Business association to beautify the High Street.

  • We plant up and maintain the Stony Startford Town Council's planters all around the town.

Our team is a highly motivated fantastic group of volunteers, of all ages, who do what they can, when they can. We'd be delighted if you want to join us. Click here.

The work we do is recognised regionally and nationally, year on year. We've been winning awards every year since we started in 2008.

We also plant up and maintain the planters around the town – changing the plants from winter to summer to ensure the streets are cheerful and attractive throughout the year.

We encourage young people to learn about the environment and the joys of gardening with school gardening sessions and children’s planting activities at community events each year.


SSIB  volunteers fundraise to pay for all the flowers and shrubs in the perennial flower beds around the town by:

  • An annual fundraiser at Calcutta Brasserie, where the restaurant generously gives us £5 for each ticket we sell, and were we hold a raffle, too, with prizes donated by Back to the Fuchsia, Karen Parker, Kimberely Salads from the Market, and Willis, as well as SSIB volunteers. Apart from during Covid years we've made between £900-£1000 each year from this.

  • An annual plant sale at York House Community Gardens, where SSIB volunteers and others donate plants and shrubs. It's a whole community event, coinciding with York House organising a coffee morning, the Bard declaiming a plant-related poem, and the Town Crier in full regalia publicizing it with oyez's up the High St

  • A fundraising table on Switch-on Day selling whatever we can think of.

  • And then there is Sponsorship from kind businesses and individuals!

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